We began our journey from San Jose, bidding a fond farewell to our friends.

Our friend and God-brother, Gauranga Kishore is an inspirational force in presenting Krsna Consciousness to the thoughtful and educated people at Stanford University and the San Francisco Bay area.

When venturing out into the unknown, the only tools of the trade are faith in Lord Jagannatha, and a willingness to join His Divine Adventures!

The landscapes are breathtakingly gorgeous. There's nothing that can be said but "Jaya! All glories to the Lord!"

Fuel stations are few and far between, so when our gauge light came on empty, we decided to use our well-thought-out emergency reserve fuel supply.

The only problem was that we didn't get a funnel, and our spigot was too short to open the gas safety-flap. So being the adventurous type, Rasikananda found an old plastic paintbrush handle on the side of the road to prop it open, but on removing it, a small part broke off inside the tank! Oh no!! Lucky enough we called a local Land Rover dealer who said it shouldn't be a problem. There's a good filter in there that keeps debris from clogging the line, and probably the fuel will just dissolve that old plastic.
Whew! Krsna saved us again.
More to come!